Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tuition Fees of Ancient Times

Teachers in ancient times have
Knack of asking strange things as a tuition fee
It was not must but if not given by student
The fee remained a sort of burden or guilt

As a tuition fee, 
Young Rama and Lakshmana had to ward off demons
When their teacher, Sage Vishwamitra, was busy in his yagna
Utanka had to bring earrings from a female above ground and
Then from a male underground
It was the riddle Utanka solved when he lost a queen's earrings
and had to recover it from snake lord of netherland
Vishwamitra asked his pupil Galava to bring
800 horses: each with one black and one white ear
Dronacharaya had a plan before he arrived Hastinapur
When Kauravas and Pandavas were ready
He asked them to get his revenge from Draupada
We all know
What he demanded from the tribal lad, Ekalavya
Who claimed he learned archery from Drona:
Thumb of right hand

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