Friday, May 20, 2016

In love

When I was in love I knew no limit
There was joy in the air
Things were cute back then
Her shouting were like a song
No one bothered to listen except me
Her open lips demand to be seal-kissed
I struggled to resist myself
Her laughter lit up the evening
Wherever she went I followed
Together we jumped in rain
It was called dancing

Once upon a time, my friend
I was in love

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Carnage of Relationships

He sat there with
A bucket full of heart shape balloons
Puncturing one heart after another 
And letting the air leak
But it was not as fun and shocking
As the bursting sound
With stained hands and bloodied shirt
He left with empty bucket, fulfilled

On his way back
He met with an accident
A heart with spikes rolled in his direction 
How could this happen to him?  
He thought in ICU
As he hoped for a heart transplant

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Nightmare of Today and Tomorrow

Green grass slowly turning into yellow thorns
Huts have been taken over by a concrete jungle
People drink whatever color of water they get
Tigers in white dress roam the city in search of lambs
Who survive the water and food scarcity
Vultures with microphones hover over the city
In search for fresh flesh to broadcast

I try hard
To dream of a different tomorrow
Yet I am haunted by the same nightmare

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Mistake of Newage Gopi

Alone in the crowd of the café, she
Smiles at his picture over and over again
Looks in the mirror of her phone and
Applies another coat of pomegranate red lipstick
As if the color will direct him to her

Silence around her is killing her patience
Her birdlike eyes dart toward the café doors
Nervously, she hopes for him to come early

Girls in café are guarding their lovers
From her probing eyes 
Looking at boy in the corner and
Comparing him with the picture
She got from the online chat
She gets up from her seat, pulls the door and
Sighs to commemorate her mistake
Of not sending her picture to him

Monday, May 16, 2016

When I will meet you again...

Life as they is a full circle and
I believe in this saying 100%
I don’t know when but I will meet you again
It may happen when you don’t want to meet me
Or maybe when I have lost interest in pursuing you
That day I will see you in arms of someone else and
On that day you will wonder about amicable separation 
And you cringe of not meeting me for the last time
I will not say anything but for fractions of seconds
We’ll exchange our gazes and pass each other like strangers
But the awkwardness of the surreptitious meeting
Will raise the questions and memories in your mind
And you will draw a bank
That person with you ask about your sudden silence
And all you will ask“What did you just say?”
And I will laugh to make your forget something once again

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tuition Fees of Ancient Times

Teachers in ancient times have
Knack of asking strange things as a tuition fee
It was not must but if not given by student
The fee remained a sort of burden or guilt

As a tuition fee, 
Young Rama and Lakshmana had to ward off demons
When their teacher, Sage Vishwamitra, was busy in his yagna
Utanka had to bring earrings from a female above ground and
Then from a male underground
It was the riddle Utanka solved when he lost a queen's earrings
and had to recover it from snake lord of netherland
Vishwamitra asked his pupil Galava to bring
800 horses: each with one black and one white ear
Dronacharaya had a plan before he arrived Hastinapur
When Kauravas and Pandavas were ready
He asked them to get his revenge from Draupada
We all know
What he demanded from the tribal lad, Ekalavya
Who claimed he learned archery from Drona:
Thumb of right hand

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Shambuka's Caste Based Salvation

A brahmin’s son dies before 100 years
He complains to Rama about it and tells
That Shambuka, a Shudra, is doing penance
How could he do penance?
What else could be the reason?
Brahmin adds that if Sudra isn’t controlled
Something horrible can happen to the world
Do something!
Rama asks Shambuka to stop the penance
Shambuka denies saying that he is doing
To absolve his sins and to attain salvation
Rama kills him and solves his salvation problem
God is so merciful!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Writer of Unhappy Endings

If you are frightened of life
Please don’t come to my work
In search of constant joy and happiness
Let me break it to you
Such happiness is an unattainable reality
How can I lie to you about life?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ajamila 's Predicament

Who are you? On the deathbed, Ajamila asked
Angels! Those silver creatures answered
Why are you carrying me?
I haven’t done anything to deserve heaven
You chanted the name of Lord
No, I didn’t
Didn’t you called ‘Lord’ just before dying?
Oh! But ‘Lord’ is the name of my good-for-nothing son, Ajamila explained

You’re making some mistake
When Ajamila challenged Angels
Angels stopped midway between earth and heaven
And made a call to Yama
Yama as usual was busy so he put them on hold

In the meantime, Ajamila spoke
If you drop me from right here, I will happilly land in hell
Why don’t you want to go heaven? Angels asked him
All my life I haven’t done a single thing scriptures told me to do
Never did anything for anybody
Remained selfish throughout my life
Even at the deathbed, I was asking my son for some water

You will have riches of life in heaven. Angels tried to pursued him
Riches never satisfied my hunger on earth
Why do i need them again?

This would be your chance to live with people close to Lord. Angels tried again
How can I live without the company of people like me?
People who never put in guilt of doing something and
Never told me to do anything for the future benefits
Told me to concentrate on living in present
People who never bothered to change me and
Loved me for who I was
How will find them in heaven?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

He Who Comments

You shouldn’t wear these itsy-bitsy clothes
If someone really likes you, 
He will not care for your skin show
Go away, you are way too fat
Who will pay for extra burden on my engine?
Is he (?) your boyfriend?
Didn’t you find someone more tribal?
What’s wrong with people?
Look now they will kiss! 
He tells to manager of a suspicious lodge
True love is not left anymore

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Curious case of Bhisma's suffering

Bhisma should have known that life
Is just like a medicine with expiry date
Wise though he was 
He never learned to live for himself
His father saved him from getting killed
By his mother
Only to indirectly asked for his youth
He vowed 
He’ll remain celibate for his life
For the sake of his father
This vow turned him from Devavrata to Bhisma
After that he just became
A guardian to protect progeny
Of his step brothers, their sons, and their grandsons

His favorite grandson pierced his body with arrows
As he lay dying, he smiled  
The pain he had endured in his life found a way
Sealed wounds opened up at last 

It’s not only Bhisma
The characters of the epic never escapes their karma
We are told that Bhisma, as Prabhasa, had committed
A sin of stealing Kamdhenu, a wish-fulfilling cow, from
Vashisth, a Brahmin, and to liberate from the curse and
To achieve salvation, he suffered
What a strange thing to knowingly suffer?

Monday, May 9, 2016

Havoc of Easter Eggs in Public Park

Either he didn’t like the festival or
People celebrating the festival
He might be the guy who wasn’t
Allowed to play in this Christian park
His parents might have spanked him
For asking eggs to play
The kind of eggs which don’t break into watery mess
He craved those eggs all his childhood
When he got older, he demanded those eggs from
His ‘company’ for celebration
Celebration took multiple lives
His ‘company’ later claimed 
The full responsibility of celebration

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Meaning of Love

Her love was like sweat
Of summer months
Oozing one moment and
Evaporating at the very next

Since I started loving you
You have become Mimosa
Folding inwardly at my touch
Why can’t you be another
type of Mimosa: a cocktail
Equal part Champagne and citrus juice

She told me that
She never thought about me
After I broke up with her
And I laughed
She said, “Seriously!”

To save myself from insecurities
I hopped from one relationship to another
Such relationships are like
Psychological make-up for my survival

Reading these sentences in my journal
I realized how vulnerable I have become
Somehow I needed to accept
This uncertainty that’s very human

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Rusted Revenge

His sister has come home after eight long years
Since she eloped with this Muslim guy
It was the cause of obvious celebration
Where tears, sweat and blood would flow
But one would wonder, how he would start:
Tears:  How can she loved someone more than her family?
Blood: How long a rusted knife had to wait?
Sweat: How tough it was to dig a hole in a fallow land to bury her?
Such was his brotherly affection that she deserve to buried a like Muslim

Friday, May 6, 2016

Aborted Fights

Did Drona think that if he stops their fight now
That they will never fight in future or
Was he scared that there might be warrior
Greater than his favorite pupil Arjuna 
Drona thought if he didn’t teach Karna
Karna can never be equal to Arjuna 
When he found someone more accomplished
Than Dhananjaya, he asked the thumb of 
Ekalavaya, in exchange of tuition fee
Without teaching Ekalavya anything
He stopped the fight of Bhima and Suyodhana
By giving reason that the sun has been set
Throughout his life, he suppressed the urge
Of his son, Ashwatthama to fight Phalguna

When actual time came
Neither Drona wasn’t able to stop fights 
Nor he remain alive to see his most
Accomplished pupil couldn’t even
Save yadava women from a group
Of bandits which left him alive
After defeating him
He begged to be killed at the spot!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

LOVE-trap of Kasargod and K-towns

Naivety and crime gel well together
Someone chalks out a plan
To lure the target by candies of affection
Parents had warned their kids
Against such candies
The kids thought they knew better
With time the candies start to taste bitter and
By the time the target wants to puke
Candies stick in their throat 
Slowly the target morphed into candies
Sold to others by their someone special

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Words Commit Suicide

 Words were her power
Words are taken away from her
Replaced by a mathematical score
Of the competitive exam
Her parents are elated to know
Machines are waiting for their daughter
They book tickets to meet her
It’s time for little celebration
Two years she has lived a life of nun
In the age of making mistakes
They had warned her about making mistakes
Except this one,
The one she made,
The one they will read
In the newspaper
Next day on the train
“I wished to be a poet-
She writes in her suicide note.”

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Origin of A Strong Woman

She has an undeniable stench
You must have smell it
This is what makes her obnoxious
If you work under one 
You know what i am talking about
She hates to smile too
Maybe to not give away her secrets
No hint of fragility on surface
In her resides a fountain of pain
Constant source of stench

Monday, May 2, 2016

Cost of Open Heart

An open heart is a terrible thing
World doesn’t give you chance to breathe
A broken girl sobs, cries, and
Drowns in her own sweat
Digressions turn into adultery
Mistakes become sin 
Love is best defined as poison
Societal suffocation indirectly tells
Her to lose what she own and
Die like an unknown thing 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Blood Goddess

Temple statues haunt you in dreams
Someone dancing on her husband’s body
Blood of a demon stains her tongue
A garland of severed heads hangs from her neck
To fill the themes of celebration over darkness,
Change, renewal, and freedom from patriarchal values
Books re-write several of her origin stories
The blood that made her a goddess 
Cycles out of us every month
The blood that stops us to visit her temple