Sunday, April 24, 2016

Everyone's Battlefield

My friend tells me not to make those mistakes
Yet he loves me despite those mistakes
The sound of your bowstring sends
Chill down their spine
Yet you drop your bow and flop on the chariot
Is mental crisis necessary to become a great warrior?
Ask Arjuna

It’s never the fight between him and others
It is the question of fighting with self
Can you ever win it
If you do, how will you face my your self?
Ask Yudhisthara

Sometime we don’t even know
what we are fighting for
Don’t we follow the orders
Instead of taking control of our life
Is it our love, devotion or procrastination?
Ask Nakul and Sahadeva

My friend knows and explains it calmly
I stubbornly deny forcing my thoughts on to him
Only later I realize just saying something aloud
Doesn’t mean that I am right
Are you unsure about your words and deeds?
Ask Suyodhana

He tells me that you always have a choice
Either you do it or not
Taking a side sometime is a necessity
Can you go on pilgrimage when the world is burning with hate?
Ask Balarama

You know you are entangled in this
You must find a way out
There is nothing that can keep you stuck here
Should one believe in stories of bravery or destiny?
Ask Abhimanyu

Don’t promise too much
Else you end up living that promise
Sometime you no longer believe in that promise
Or the promise turns into nasty arrows of your beloved
Is the pain of awaiting death is more cruel than death itself?
Ask Bhisma

Killing and crushing is a mandatory requirement
Else they will crop again and again in your mind
Hear their cries, listen to their meek apologies
Do you have blood drinking capacity of vampires?
Ask Bhima

Sometime you know everything from inside out
Yet you keep playing with death and life
Life is nothing but a game of dharma
You use people like things and things like people
Are you figment of materialistic imagination or
Do you carry God’s attributes?
Ask Krishna

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