1. you read singlesnet. as sHinglesnet.
2. detergent makes you think of triton-X 100.
3. you start to criticize humans for being humans and ask reasons for why are they pissed off?
4. you make your food with timer stolen from lab.
5. you start to eat in micro and milli quantities but drink in liters.
6. you check your account after every happy hour.
7. the development disbelief in yourself is directly proportional to the amount of years you spend in grad school.
8. you feel cocky when your experiments work and depressed when don't: in sum, you have so much depression that if you want you can open a retail shop to sell depression candies or cookies.
9. things in your life moves in a circle: viscous or wishful.
10. you think only apocalypse can save you from grad school.